
Alternate name(s): Hantu Penanggal
Found in: Southeast Asia

  The Penanggalan is a detached female head capable of flying about on its own at night. As it flies, the stomach and other entrails dangle below it, twinkling like fireflies.

   Though the Penanggalan is a vampiric creature related to the Manananggal, it is not one of the undead. It is a living human during the day; its nightly transformation is the result of supernatural means, or the individual's active use of black magic.

Indonesia/Bali: Leyak
Duyak: Kuyang
Minangkabau: Palasik or Pelesit
Thailand: Krasue
Laos: Kasu or Phi-Kasu
Cambodia: Ap 

Artist notes: Pencil on paper. Sparkly intestines. If Stephenie Meyer had used these vampiric creatures instead, it would have been a very different book.

Last updated 11/20/15

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