Feng huang

Alternate name(s): Chinese phoenix
Found in: China

  The Fenghuang is described as having the beak of a rooster, the face of a swallow, the forehead of an owl, the neck of a snake, the breast of a goose, the back of a tortoise, the hindquarters(back legs) of a stag, bird talons, and the tail of a fish. Its feathers are a mix of black, white, red, blue, and yellow.

  Its parts are said to symbolize six celestial bodies. The head embodied the sky, the eyes the sun, the back the moon, the wings the wind, the feet the earth, and the tail the planets. It was believed to appear in areas blessed with peace, prosperity, and/or happiness. In modern times, it has also become a feminine counterpart to the masculine dragon.

Artist notes: Pen on paper. I used a looser interpretation for this sketch. The neck is long and snakelike, the legs are long and graceful like those of a stag, and the tail is split like the tail fin of a fish.

Last updated 5/18/15

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